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Nail Art - Christmas and Winter Holidays

The stockings area unit decorated by the mantle with care — and your nails area unit polished to joyous perfection. notice manicure style inspo that highlights each joyous image — water ice, Christmas tree and wreath galore! — of the season that you simply will presumably imagine.

check it out.

Hello lovelies! Super late post tonight, meh. Today has just not been my day. But, I don’t want to ramble on about it because that’s dumb. Plus, it’s time for another Digit-al Dozen week. So, that makes everything better! This month we’re taking on the theme of December. It sounds pretty generic, but I’m loving the fact that it’s not forcing us to paint holiday manicures. My first look is all about polar bears, so let’s get to it!

Deck The Tree: Christmas Nail Art with Girly Bits

Pink, mat, Christmas, gel nail, hand, tip nail design details